week ago I noticed that the page count was off on my last book, THE
ADVENTURES OF HANK FENN—listed as 235 pages, actually 268. No big
deal. And correctable, according to the immediate reply I got from my
email to Amazon's customer service. Today I noticed it had yet to be
corrected and pressed the 'Call Me' button on their feedback page. I
explained my situation to the associate who called me back. I was
asked for my email and billing addresses.
what is the name of the device?” she says.
not a device, it's a book.” I say and am put on hold. A while
later another associate gets on the line, asks for the same addresses
and the the name of the book. I comply.
when did you purchase the book?” she says.
didn't purchase the book, I wrote it,” I say and am put on hold.
while later an associate from Author Central gets on the line.
Will,” he says, “I understand one of your books is listed
incorrectly at 200 and some dollars?”
be 3 or 4 days before the situation can be corrected.