nothing quite like getting to schlepp a new supply of books over to
Magers & Quinn after my readers all but cleaned them out.
Satisfaction! Even discussed a book launch for my next novel with
Annie, the book buyer, after I mentioned that there's at least one
scene that takes place in their very bookstore—and several more down the street at the old Uptown Bar. We also discussed a new distribution option that will require a hike in my prices,
which she admitted were pretty low. Hear that? PRETTY LOW. So, if
you've been planning to buy, buy now or pay a couple bucks more
a reading the other night that I've failed to mention. Another
Cracked Walnut affair, this time at Golden's Lowertown. Went over
quite well.
and that Amazon page length snafu I mentioned in my last post was
finally cleared up after only three short weeks. Thanks for tuning