my MN tax ID and sent in all the forms, so it looks like I'm set to
peddle my wares at LowertownPop in St. Paul on April 9. Here some
info. It features: “local
artisans and craftspeople, brewers, bakers, distillers, street
performers, artists, and musicians,” which may leave me as the only
writer there. We'll see how that works out.
finished up a 24-straight-day period where 3,000+ pages of all four
of my books were read on Kindle Unlimited. I get paid something per
page from a pool of some amount divided by a multiple of pages,
readers and writers, minus the square root of Amazon's take and rounded down to the
nearest penny. I know it sounds complicated but it is. My thanks to the fellow in
Wisconsin who liked a sample of Hank Fenn he read, read the whole book and
then the other three, and told his friends—who all seem to enjoy
Unlimited's $10-a-month, all-you-can-read deal. Tell your friends!
flip rather than swipe? Shop paperbacks in store and online at Magers & Quinn, Uptown, Mpls.