this About Place Journal link on facebook this morning only to
scroll down to the next post and news that my friend Kevin Hazlett
had passed away. A year and a half ago (March '11), I posted my
thoughts here upon hearing news of his cancer and a benefit in his
honor. To last that long with pancreatic cancer is one helluva fight.
By all rights, he should've been gone a year ago, yet it's still hard
to read such news.
last saw Kevin in June at a gathering for the one-year anniversary of
his brother Buck's passing. (See June '11 post.) I told him that a
year before he had said the doctors were giving him six months. He
laughed (no surprise) and told me of the 20-some radiation treatments
he'd had—even though they'd told him he only had strength enough
for 4 or 5.
thoughts and condolences go out to his wonderful family and his legion of
friends. For Kevin, no joke was too bad to tell. Over and over. Just wish I could hear them all over again.